A Database Error Occurred

Error Number: 3685

Illegal argument to a regular expression.

select a.title, a.id, a.slug, c.parent_id, c.slug as category_slug from tbl_article as a LEFT JOIN tbl_category as c ON c.id = a.category_id where a.status = '1' and a.id!='33416' and (a.title REGEXP '[[:<:]]Jharkhand[[:>:]]' /*OR a.excerpt REGEXP '[[:<:]]Jharkhand[[:>:]]'*/ OR a.tags REGEXP '[[:<:]]Jharkhand[[:>:]]' /*OR a.description REGEXP '[[:<:]]Jharkhand[[:>:]]'*/ ) ORDER BY date_published DESC limit 0, 3

Filename: /var/www/html/outlookhindi/htdocs/models/article_model.php

Line Number: 1238