Brief Description   & Assumption   about  Parameter    used for selection  of Outlook

Swaraj Award-2020

(Consist  of Five Set and Twenty  Two Parameters)

 1.Set One:  Total seven parameter(Membership,   Ordinary Member Share Capital, Total Share Capital, Reserve and Funds, Total Funds, Business Turnover, Net profit):

•    Total  four  year  data  (2014-15  to 2017-2018)  has  been  taken  but Rank  has been derived using the Three year data (2014-15 to 2016-17).

•     Annual growth rate has been calculated using formulae

= Succeeding  year  -  Preceding     year  *100 / Preceding year

•    2014-15 has been taken  as base year and  next preceding  year has been taken  as base value for calculating  growth rate.

•    Growth rate of three year has been arrived using above formulae  then average has been calculated  taking 2 years growth rate data.

 2.   Set Two:Total  four parameter

•    Active Member   w.r.t.  Total members   %:  This  is calculated  using the following formulae and average of all three year has been calculated 

= Active Members   (No.) *100/Membership   (No.)

 •    Own Business w.r.t.  to Government   sponsored   business   %:  This  is calculated using the following formulae and average of all three year has been calculated

 = (Business  Turnover   - Government   sponsored   business)*100 / Business Turnover

 •    Audit  classification:   Total three year audit rating from 2014-15  to 2016-17  has been  taken   and  average   of  all  three   year  rating   equivalent   value   has  been calculated.

 * (Audit Classification A has equivalent value of 1 and B has equivalent value of 0.5)

•    Dividend  Percentage:    Three year dividend  distribution  percentage  data has been taken (2014-15  to 2016-2017)  then average Dividend  distribution  has been arrived based on formulae:

= Total  of three  year  Dividend  distribution   Data / 3

 •    Return   on Capital:   It has been calculated by dividing Net profit by total available fund than average ROC  is arrived by adding three year Return on Capital and then dividing by 3.

Return on Capital =Net Profit*100 / Total Fund

•    Per   Employee    business   turn   over:   three  year  (2014-15   to  2016-2017)   Per Employee  business  turnover  is calculated  by dividing  total  business  turnover  by total  number  of  employee.   Then average Per Employee   business Turnover   is arrived.

 Per Employee   business turn over = Total  Business  Turnover /Total Number of Employee 

3.   Set Three: Total four parameter  (Data from 2014-15 to 2016-17 has been taken)

 •    Employee     Trained     Percentage:      Four    year    separately    Employee    trained percentage is calculated,  than average ETP is arrived dividing  it by three.

Employee Trained   Percentage   = Number  of Employee  Trained*100/Number of Employee

 •    Social  Welfare  Activities  (Nos.): It is a total number of social activity  undertaken by  Society  for  welfare  activity  of  it  member   in  last  three  year.  Society with maximum Average Social Welfare activity is awarded maximum  marks.

Avg. Social Welfare  Activities  = Sum Total  of all Welfare  Activity  in 3 Years


 •    Amount Spent on welfare  Activities  w.r.t.  Net Profit  (in Rs):  In this head total of  three  year  amount  spent  on  welfare  activity  is  calculated  w.r.t  Net  Profit  of respective year and divided by three to arrive on average value.

= Amount  Spent  on Welfare  *100/Net Profit

 4.Set Four:  Five Parameter  (Data of 20s15-16) Memberships,  Total Share Capital, Total Fund, Business  Turnover and Net profit have taken. The society having maximum value among these five set of parameter has awarded maximum marks.

 5. AGM Attendance (%): Average is calculated by dividing the total of three years

AGM attendance with 3.